Saturday, January 4, 2014

AHA: Fifty by Fifty


I decided on the way I will meet my goal of 50 x 50 -which is to do fifty similarly sized pieces of art by the time I am fifty years old with a portion of the profits going to charity. My grand concepts are just not feasible in the time left before my birthday (about 6 or so weeks) but I do have a good start on the amount of Literary Ladies I would need to complete in order to meet the goal and I love creating them. Also I think seeing 50 all together could be really cool. You know how when you people watch and are amazed at the variety -so many sizes, colors, and shapes. Quite exciting!

I just need a little more diversity in my sacrificial paperbacks so it calls for a quick trip to Goodwill. Pete and I picked up my Dad this afternoon so he could come along for the ride. Goodwill is my father's favorite store and since he has been so sick other than going to doctor's visits and two outings to the big pier, Dad pretty much hasn't gotten out of the house in months. This made a nice change of scenery for him.

I was hoping to find something by Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, or Henry David Thoreau but that was a long shot and didn't pan out so instead I got the Secret Garden and Pride and Prejudice. Two of my favorites. If only I hadn't sold most of my old paperback classics in a yard sale several years ago (for a quarter no less) but alas if I kept everything I might one day want, it wouldn't take long and I'd be a certified hoarder. If I'm not using it now then I should give it away so someone else who can. Besides between thrift stores and Amazon, it is often less expensive to purchase something when you actually need it than to store it. (Of course there is an exceptions for anything holding special memories or that I am certain I will need within the immediate future)

Sharing a few selfies with my ladies. The top pic shows the two I did today with my new paperbacks!

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