Yesterday was a day for preparation. My initial plans were to finish up the risers on the porch. This has been an ongoing mosaic project. Little did I know how long it would take me to complete. (If I did I'm not sure I would have started)

Most folks, at least the smart ones, start off slow and build up to more ambitious projects. Oh, not I. Having never done a tile mosaic, I decided to do the round family room porch. And just to make it more challenging, I decided I would use all recycled tile and other found objects. My my... first, since many of the tiles are from discontinued sample books, they had to be soaked and scrubbed to get the paper backing and glue off. Each individual teeny tiny glass tile. One by One. Then all the larger tiles broken and puzzled together. I really enjoyed it, it was just more time consuming and body aching (definitely body aching) than I anticipated.
Anyway, now the main floor is finally complete and all I have left are the risers which I plan to do in black rock and glass buttons. I thought I'd do that yesterday but -isn't there always a but -the tiles had been tucked (OK, basically thrown) into the rear shed and when I went to get what I needed that darn shed started haunting me.

Clean me, it whispered. Organize me, it shouted. You don't love me, it cried. The guilt got to me.

Out came all the stuff I had randomly crammed in and everything was laid out on the lawn. Luckily, it was an absolutely beautiful day. Sunny, slightly breezy, warm but not to humid. Just perfect for a fall cleaning. Everything got dusted or at a minimum shook or brushed off. I bought three new shelving units to go with the one I had. I also bought a few new cheapy baskets to replace the ones that were starting to crack and crumble. I resorted some of my tiles -the ones which were still in the cleaning buckets. (I have the outdoor kitchen counter to mosaic, but I'm not starting till I finish a few other projects) Best of all, everything is within reach and I no longer have to take out the mower to get to the tiles or stumble over tools to get to the potting soil or move all my paints to access the weed eater.
Now finally, I am ready to go be creative and get my art on. Yeah! Peace, Love, and Organization! Have an Awesome Day!
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