Ok, you don’t know how many blog posts I’ve longhand written
then promptly lost or spilt stuff on or simply found that I’m past whatever it
was I started to write about. –but now as I am sitting in the airport with a
seriously delayed flight and office surface on my lap, I thought I might as
well type my post directly that way maybe I’ll actually get it posted. AND I’m
blank. Like how can I have a million things to say then I have time to share
them and ……..
Guess I’ll just start with what’s been going on lately
First I’ve been participating in the 100 day project. Quite
simply it is picking something (creative) that you do for 100 days and post,
specifically on Instagram. I chose to make 4”x4” squares of art loosely based
in some way or another to music. So I’ve gotten to 43 but since have sort taken
a break. I was kind of averaging 3 to 4 pieces a week, not bad for me. I think
I’m going to modify the challenge to 54 (my current age) then I plan to bind
them into a little journal. Above is a quick sampling of some that I’ve done so
far. I’ll group them and go into their stories on future posts. (Oh nice, lots
of new posts that I won’t even need to think about. Maybe it’ll get me back in
the habit of posting more consistently)
Next (yeah, these things are so not chronological and sort
of overlap and such) I’ve been art journaling a good bit. I really want to
complete all the journals that I have half completed. I’ve particularly enjoyed
making papers. (yet another post to go into –new techniques from a local co-op
called art & soul here in Nashville, gelli printing when my artfest friend
Amanda came down to visit, and the ever loved kitchen sink approach with lots of luscious
color –I even did my first ever youtube video. Check it out) My new obsession
is creating funky collage folks. I really want to make a video of the process.
Not hard at all and so much fun.
Finally, I participated in a Facebook group lead by Misty
Mawn called Portray Yourself. It has prompts such as “Adorn” or “Nature” where
you create a self-portrait based on that theme. One of the things that I really
liked about the group was that based on what I wanted to created I found a new
(free) phone app called Fused which allows you to merge/double exposure photos.
I have had so much fun playing with it both for self portraiture but also all
sorts of other things.

Well until next time, have a wonderful life and keep on
Music for Today: “Leaving on a Jet Plane” song by Peter,
Paul & Mary, written by John Denver (I had no idea he had written this
until I went to find it on YouTube to add to my blog post. What random new
tidbits we pickup ach day, lol)