Monday, January 22, 2018


HELLO 2018  -and Good Bye 2017, you sure zoomed right on past!
Laurie Anne Smith Sikorowski Art Journal Celebrate Green

I blinked and WOW, a whole year went by. That old notion of time passing in proportion to the whole of your existence, sure seems accurate to me. I have no doubt time is merely a human construct and totally relative. Hmmm…. Now can I leverage that next time I happen to be a bit late –‘cause you know that is going to happen at some point. (Aside –check out this What But Why’s post on lateness. I just adore this site)

Ok now back to my post, oh yes, 2018. I think 2018 is going to be an AMAZING year for me and to honor that exclamation, my word, drumroll please, is CELEBRATION!!! Usually I ruminate a great deal about my word. Usually there ends up being about six or seven contenders and they have to duke it out and then I am mentally and emotionally exhausted from the brain battle. But not this year!

2018 will be a yearlong celebration! We are talking P-A-R-T-Y, balloons and banners, champagne and fireworks! Well, maybe not always that literal, but it is the attitude I hope to cultivate. One of abundance and joy. I plan to reward myself for small victories and the progress I make along the way, regardless how silly or inconsequential it may seem!

What is your word for the year? How do you plan to incorporate it in to your life? I hope to share some of the ways I intend to include the concept of celebration in my life, particularly through my art in my art journal. I have several partially completed journals and my mini-goal is to complete them all before 2019 comes around. It is a rather ambitious task, but I am super excited to get started!

Music to start the new year: Can't Stop the Feeling -Justin Timberlake

Laying out my supplies and general page concept

Smooshing (I just can't keep my fingers out of the paint)

Testing out alternative layouts (It is hard to stop playing and start gluing)