The older woman represents the wisdom, creativity, and the traditions which experience and perspective bring. The young girl is wide eyed, optimistic, and just beginning her life's journey. There is a softness and innocence in her unblinking stare. She is holding a mirror gifted by the older woman for reflection and self-awareness. Isn't it interesting how different events seem, when viewed through the lens of a little time?
The older woman is floating in prayer or meditation allowing her life to flow and transform her younger self or cherished one. Through her hand, she is passing along strength and fearlessness. She is holding a heart with the words wisdom and joy because I believe these are two attributes most easily gained through experience, both good and bad. Sure it is easier to be happy when you are young and the world is your oyster (as it should be) but joy, inner joy is so much more than a smile. It is deep and can not be stolen by circumstances. What a gift!
The butterflies and open flower represent change, a bloosoming into all that you can be -beautiful and free. I love the quote:
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -Anais Nin.So true, isn't it? We are bound primarily by restrictions in our minds, not reality, but invisible chains are even harder at times to break than ones of fiber or metal and sometimes it helps when others lovely remind us of this fact. We really are free. We really are strong. We really are Enough!
The little houses represents where we come from. Our past; the people, places and events that shape our future. The brushes and pencils are for creativity and self expression. The words, Soar, Flourish, and Fly, well they kind of speak for themselves. What beautiful affirmations and inspirations. Be wholy who you are. Do not fear, you have all you need within you and around you.
S O A R , F L O U R I S H , F L Y !!!!
Morning Music: Express Yourself (Say Yes) - Jon Batiste and Stay Human
I am feeling a little jazzy this morning and Jon Batiste with Stay Human are the perfect indulgence!