Fist is Zoe. She is inspired by dear friend's daughter named surprise "Zoe." She loves animals and volunteers at the zoo hence the text is a page from "The Jungle Book." This is her graduation gift (as requested). Her version is Caucasian though and the one I've attached is Indian (or some Indian-like blend). I like to create art with a diversity of nationalities. A thread running through out my collection of ladies is that we are all a little bit of each one of them. Who we are on the inside, who we are on the outside, what we want to portray to the world: We really never truly know ourselves and that's not a bad thing. We are an ever shifting rainbow. Never same. Never stagnate. Bound together -a sisterhood if you will.
Next is Magenta, a dark skinned sweetie with long magenta streaked hair. Notice the word "magic" peaking through her bottom lip. Is that not serendipitous? I wish I could say I planned it from the beginning but I'd be lying. I will take the credit for noticing it along the way and keeping it visible though.
An aside: did you know that the color magenta is an "extraspectral" color? (per Sir Isaac Newton) It is the only color that doesn't exist as a single wavelength of light (well besides beige and gray -but I'm not counting them as real colors) It is what our brain creates by combining red, on one end of the light spectrum with violet, on the other end of the spectrum. Cool, huh? Might even call it "magic." Seems appropriate to use such a color to express individuality.
Well, it is late (actually it is early -in the morning) and I'd better be getting to bed so Sweet Dreams!
Song of the Night: Paper Doll by John Mayer
"I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation. So when I meet someone who's an 8 color type...I'm like, hey girl, Magenta! and she's like, oh, you mean purple! and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, no I want Magenta!” -John Mayer